Tuesday 4 November 2014

NFL player accused of rape back on the field day after victim files police report

A player from the National Football League (NFL) who is accused of rape last week has been allowed to play. However, according to the media as well as experts around, this could be a potentially explosive scandal in the world of football today. The high octane attorney Gloria Allred presented the details in her letter which she wrote to the National Football League’s Commissioner Mr. Roger Goodell in which she asked if NFL knew any details regarding the rape suspect who was allowed to take the field previous Sunday. The football fans seem to be quite upset after hearing this news.
The attorney Allred who is representing the rape victim who’s a young woman said that a player from the National Football League raped that young woman on the Saturday morning. She also said this in the press release. Moreover, the most disturbing fact is that the accused was allowed by his team to continue playing the same as well as the next days. As per attorney Allred, this is against the sportsmanship as well as from the legal perspective. There has been a growing number of rape attempts across the US region and a number of new cases have been registered with the similar stories, added Allred in a press release.

During her interview with the Daily News, Allred stated that she had delivered the letter in person to the NFL’s Park Ave offices. Whereas the league is of the statement that it never received any mail. The official claims to have sent the digital video disc addressed to the chief of security at the National Football League Mr. Jeffrey Miller. Allred chose to keep her client’s name and identity private and undisclosed. She also said that she will make sure that proper legal action would be taken against the accused, once the accusation has been proved legally.